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Cabinet Sizes and Appliance Specs

Cabinet Sizes and Appliance Specs

The standard kitchen cabinet depth for industries is 600 mm from front to back. But since the design and trends of new kitchen appliances change frequently, the standard sizes are made to adapt.

In custom-made kitchens, these specs can further be experimented with and changed according to personal style. At Sydney kitchens, we make our cabinets deeper to accommodate the modern sinks and tapware that take up more space.

A common practice is to take the cabinets off the wall and leave a blank space behind when installing bigger sinks and tapware. But we choose to increase the cabinet depth for your convenience and also to adjust with the bigger fridges. The standard industry base depth is less, consequently leading to smaller overhead cabinets which usually do not fit the plates and platters. But with our 400mm deep cabinets, you can now fit your plates even in the overhead cabinets.

The standard cabinet height for a 2400mm high ceiling is 2330 mm which is the maximum height one can achieve. If your ceiling is higher up, don’t worry, our tallest cabinets reach 3000mm.

Drawer Sizes

We use top-of-the-range drawer runners which have a fine look and the latest functionality. In the drawer system, the runner is mounted to the bottom and routed to the drawer itself. This confirms maximum space and alignment. The bottom mounting allows thinner drawer slides up to 12 mm, once again improving storage and preventing unnecessary movement of cutlery.

Appliance & Other Standard Sizes

  • Fridges: Refrigerators, be they built-in or freestanding, come in all specs and sizes. There is no standard size or model and your cabinetry will not fit them all. Additionally, different refrigerators have different ventilation points at the top, back and sides. If your cabinet does not have these openings for your refrigerator, your warranty is voided.
  • It is not a big deal if your refrigerator is out of warranty but renovation is a great time to buy a new one. Because after that, a new model will not fit the cabinet of the old one.
  • Dishwashers: Standard models- 600mm. Integrated models- 605mm.
  • Ovens & Cooktops: 600 mm by industry standards but may advance up to 900mm in some companies.
  • Benchtop Height: Depends on individual heights. The standard height is 900mm. (940mm for tall people).
  • Benchtop & cabinet depth: The industry standard of cabinet depth with handles is 580mm and for benchtop is 600 mm. (Extra 20 mm as overhang).
  • The industry standard of cabinet depth without handles is 600mm. The benchtop depth also remains 600 mm with or without handles.
  • Splashback height: The industry standard for electrical cooktops- 600mm. The industry standard for gas-based cooktops is 700mm(due to fire safety)
  • Maximum cabinet/drawer width: 1200 mm is the max cabinet/drawer width. But it may lead to overloading of the cabinetry.
  • Washing machine space: Washing machines with a standard width of 650mm fit most cabinetry.